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Mason, Cleo, and Marlowe at Playa Vista - Pricing and Site Plan (Redirected)

**The original post is out-dated. The below information is a replica of that posted on May 31, 2016.**

Last Saturday, I visited Mason and Cleo at Playa Vista (I didn't feel like visiting on the grand opening weekend). I happened to notice that nobody online put the prices for the Mason or Cleo residences up. Further, there are no site plans for any of the developments up. Although the Playa Vista website has a simplified one, most of the developments are arranged in chunks together, rendering the layout inaccurate.

I visited Marlowe (again, the week after the grand opening) in December. However, I just put up the initial phase pricing for anyone seriously interested in homes at this price.

NOTE: The Mason and Cleo residences are flats with a shared lobby in a 4-story building. There is no direct garage access, except for the Residence 3's. Also, HOAs are in fine print, totaling some $754/month. The Marlowe residences, even though they are all over 3000 square feet, are still detached condominiums on zero-lots, angled for maximum density. None of the developments in Playa Vista, even the soon-to-be tri-level 4600 square foot Jewel residences, are single-family residences or have actual driveways.

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