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Orchard Hills: Neighborhoods 1, 3, and 4

These topics are deemed appropriate for public posting.


Due to satisfactory sales in the Groves, the opening date has been accelerated to July of this year.


The community will be gated and have open pedestrian access, except from 10 P.M. to dawn. However, the community has become significantly more dense. Original plans called for 583 low-density residences. However, recent plans call for a total of 1,000 residences, putting the density at the level of Neighborhood 2. This is the opposite of Portola Springs Neighborhood 5, which shrunk from 1100 residences to approximately 800 low-density residences. The park acreage has been cut in half (15.38 acres to 7.40 acres). Of the 5 proposed parks, 3 have been removed.

There will be two vista points overlooking Rattlesnake Reservoir. Big Sycamore will become Ridge Gate in Neighborhood 3, while Wolf Trail will become New Point.


The community may actually be gated as well. Original plans called for 508 residences. New plans call for a maximum of 279 low-density residences, making room for a child-care center. Interestingly, parks have also been removed in the neighborhood (including the Vista park). Thus, park acreage has been decreased from 4.26 to 2.47 acres.

Here is a summarization of densities in all the neighborhoods:

As you can see, District 4 will be significantly low density. However, Neighborhood 3 will comprise of a large number of mid-density housing, comparable to Neighborhood 2. Inferring from the above data, there may be a chance of attached housing in Neighborhood 3, making the community more affordable, and thus more popular in Irvine.

Here is a summarization of park amenities in Neighborhoods 3 and 4 (1 and 2 are self-explanatory):

Interestingly, Eastwood was originally supposed to be gated, but it is not now.


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