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Pricing Alert: Playa Vista (Please Read if Considering Buying Here)

Here is the rundown for Playa Vista new homes for sale right now:

Attached Homes (Mason in 6-Plexes, Cleo and Skylar in Triplexes)

5848 Suncatcher Place #1 1816 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths 2nd Floor $1,559,000

5824 Meadowlark Place #5 1816 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths 4th Floor $1,654,000

12776 Aurora Place #1 2052 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths 4th Floor $1,853,560

12776 Aurora Place #2 2242 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths 3rd Floor $1,858,940

12762 Aurora Place #1 2052 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths 4th Floor $1,881,260

12762 Aurora Place #2 2242 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths 3rd Floor $1,889,030

5824 Meadowlark Place #2 2658 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths 2nd Floor $1,908,000

5824 Meadowlark Place #6 2141 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths 4th Floor $1,915,000

5698 Goldeneye Court #2 2027 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths 3rd Floor $1,976,563

12776 Aurora Place #3 2674 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths 2nd Floor $2,026,930

12762 Aurora Place #3 2674 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths 2nd Floor $2,028,080

12690 Sandhill Lane #1 2449 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths 2nd Floor $2,185,004

Detached Homes (Everly and Marlowe)

Everly Residence 1 2318 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 4 Baths $1,849,000 (1 available)

Everly Residence 3 2449 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths $1,989,000-$2,259,700 (4 av)

Everly Residence 2 2418 square feet 5 Bedrooms, 4 Baths $2,084,000-$2,123,100 (2 av.)

Marlowe Residence 1 3148 square feet 5 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths $2,399,000-$2,999,000 (2 av.)

Marlowe Residence 2 3341 square feet 5 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths $2,549,000-$2,849,000 (2 av.)

These prices may sound reasonable (cough), but compare those prices to these back in 2014:

Attached Homes (Camden in 6-Plexes)

Camden Residence 1 1601 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths $918,000

Camden Residence 2 1863 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths $1,076,500

Camden Residence 3 2192 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths $1,162,000

Detached Homes (Woodson, Asher, and Trevion)

Woodson Residence 1 2119 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths $1,189,900

Woodson Residence 2 2193 square feet 5 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths $1,234,900

Woodson Residence 3 2318 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths $1,300,900

Asher Residence 1 2435 square feet 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $1,450,193

Asher Residence 2 2658 square feet 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $1,540,193

Asher Residence 3 2757 square feet 5 Bedrooms, 4 Baths $1,547,070

Trevion Residence 1 3020 square feet 5 Bedrooms, 4.5 Baths $1,741,800

Trevion Residence 3X 3949 square feet 5 Bedrooms, 5.5 Baths $2,034,800

And in 2011...

Icon Residence 1 3202 square feet $1,115,990 (considered above market at time)

Icon Residence 3 3899 square feet $1,250,990 (considered above market at time)

Considering these prices, with Icon having a 3-car wide garage, Trevion being 2-story for the non-X floorplans, and Asher having private elevators, the current pricing is indeed absurd. That explains why Everly has only sold 3 homes since their grand opening in November and Marlowe has sold none since their grand opening in December. There is a reason why no one wants to buy here (on top of the buried methane underground controversy that seeps and potential earthquakes)...

I would sincerely not recommend buying those homes at those prices, unless Everly prices can come down to prices between Woodson and Asher and Marlowe can come down to Trevion, as I actually prefer the exteriors for those homes better than the current homes. If the market decides to tank one of these days, I will feel sorry for all of the buyers of these very overpriced homes.

As a side note, all detached homes, including the soon-to-be Jewel homes (4600 square feet), are detached condominiums without true driveways, meaning that you own the house, but Brookfield owns the land (sounds strange, but yeah). Paying $3 million for the house but not the land is a complete rip off... Shame on Brookfield for being so greedy. They think that eventually some fool will walk into the sales office and buy one of these homes without knowing the simple facts, and eventually all of their "final" (not really) detached homes will sell out.

For the attached homes, you "share" a lobby, meaning that unless you buy the Residence 3 for each of the developments, you do not have direct access to your garage. Further, the homes are built "apartment-style", meaning that they are stacked, one on top of the other, like smooshed pancakes. That means you can share the noise (and share the condiments since the complexes are built so close to each other). Unless you truly believe that "sharing is caring", consider this, as well as the nightmarish traffic within each community (no driveways at all for the attached homes) and to and from your area of commute (the infamous 405 and LAX traffic should compound this very nicely).

Overall, beware these facts before buying any of the homes. Brookfield will be laughing all the way to the bank as they cash in their checks...

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